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Vision and Values


At Mary Elliot Academy, our vision is to inspire all who work and learn with us to strive for excellence and become the best possible version of themselves. We create safe, inspiring and learner centred environments where students are supported in acquiring the knowledge, skills, confidence and resilience needed to lead as full, interesting and independent lives as possible.

As an academy, we listen to and respect student voice, empowering our young people to make decisions and facilitate the skills necessary to communicate their choices effectively.

We provide personalised, stimulating and enjoyable learning experiences aimed at supporting learners to reach their full potential and to ensure that every young person’s holistic needs are met.

Values and Aims


  • Nurture individual learner diversity, celebrating individual talents and achievements
  • Provide a wide range of student-centred learning experiences which challenge and inspire
  • Ensure that learners have every opportunity to become active members of the local community in a way meaningful to them as individuals


  • Respect and value each person’s individuality
  • Support our young people to develop a sense of self respect and consideration for others, showing tolerance and understanding, and becoming well balanced, healthy individuals
  • Have pride and respect for our environment, working towards a sustainable future


  • Empower our young people to voice their own opinions and make educated decisions
  • Enable students to acquire the skills, knowledge and confidence to be as independent as possible
  • Prepare every young person for their future, leading full and active lives


  • Embrace inclusivity and provide a sense of belonging for all members of the Academy
  • Develop and maintain partnerships between students, parents, staff and wider stakeholders which are rooted in shared understanding and values


  • Instil a sense of self belief in every young person
  • Develop learner’s confidence and determination in overcoming all challenges and having pride in their ability