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Curriculum Rationale

Our curriculum is designed to give every pupil the best possible opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge needed to pursue their own individual pathways.  As our vision states, our goal is to ‘Prepare for Life’ and the curriculum aims to provide a motivating and engaging framework designed to bring out the best in all pupils allowing them to achieve and make progress in a personalised way.

Curriculum Aims

To support individuals in becoming:

  • Confident and successful learners who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve excellence.
  • Self-sufficient citizens able to live healthy, enjoyable and fulfilling lives.
  • Well prepared individuals, equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to follow their chosen pathway through life.

At Mary Elliot we aim to deliver a personalised curriculum which incorporates individual targets including those outlined in pupils Educational Heath Care Plans and capitalises on pupil’s strengths and interests.

Strategic Intent

To provide a robust and articulate curriculum which:

  • Takes into account individual needs and learning styles.
  • Is ambitious and challenging for learners at all levels.
  • Supports the development of cognitive skills, taught in context of the rich knowledge that each subject provides.
  • Maximises the impact of teaching and learning in order to fully prepare pupils for success in life

Curriculum Implementation


Pupils attain an in-depth knowledge across the breadth of the curriculum having developed an array of key skills and knowledge which they are able to apply within their daily life.  They have an excellent self-awareness, understanding their own personal, emotional and medical needs.

Pupils leave with the best possible outcomes with regards to their personal targets including those outlined within their Education and Health Care Plans.  This includes the ability to communicate their wants and needs successfully, articulate their thoughts and feelings and participate as fully as possible within daily life having developed strong independence and life skills.

Having been fully supported in line with Mary Elliot’s Career strategy, our young people are aware of all opportunities that lie ahead and are fully prepared to make decisions around their next steps.  Each individual achieves appropriate qualifications to support them in accessing their chosen pathway.